Friday, November 17, 2017

What Students Need To Know About SAT Test Prep Courses

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By Rebecca Green

College admission tests have always loomed large in the careers of high school students. From an early age students learn that these tests are important and that good scores are essential for future success. This is double the case for those students that aspire to places at top universities. Therefore many students start their preparation at an early stage. SAT test prep courses are available everywhere and have become extremely popular.

Many students that have no ambition to go to college do not realize that they do not have to sit for the tests. In fact, many colleges and universities do not require their applicant to submit their results. Ivy league universities, however, and many top employers, insist on excellent results and will not consider applications from students that have not sat for the tests or that performed poorly.

Good scores in these tests have always been seen as a sign of an excellent future awaiting just off stage. However, students need to keep in mind that even the most prestigious universities use the scores as only one factor taken into consideration when evaluating applicants. Other factors, such as community involvement, a record of participating in school activities, leadership roles and many others are also considered seriously before an admission decision is made.

Many students make the mistake of assuming that only super bright students can attain excellent scores. This is not the case. The purpose of these tests is not to test intelligence or aptitude. It does not test general knowledge either. It tests those main areas of competency that is deemed vital for a successful college career. These areas are critical reading, mathematics and writing skills.

Another common mistake is to think that these tests are designed and administered by the government or educational authorities. This is not the case. It is wholly owned by the College Board, a not for profit organization that involves itself in various educational matters. In fact, the College Board offer numerous other tests and many students sit for them too because they do test the knowledge level of a student in a very specific field.

Students still sit for the tests during their senior year at school, but not exclusively so. There is no rule prohibiting someone in his junior year from enrolling. Many students do so because there is not a limit on the number of times one may sit for them. Juniors therefore often see their first try as a test run. If the results are not as expected, the tests can always be repeated during the next year.

The College Board view their own guidelines as sufficient for preparation purposes. Nevertheless, numerous students enrol for a special course, or purchase additional tutoring materials. This can be a costly affair. When enrolling for a course, it is vital to make sure it is properly accredited and presented by a reputable educational expert.

Getting excellent results in the college admission tests is certainly an achievement but anyone obtaining poor results should not despair. It is always possible to sit for the tests again, even when not in school any longer. It is also important to remember that excellent scores are by no means a guarantee for future success.

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