Friday, June 30, 2017

What To Do During Econ 312 Exams

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By Andrew Adams

You are not the first person to do exams. Many people have done different kind of tests and succeeded. Apart from just reading and revising, there is a lot that you should do during the examination time. Read this article and learn what to do during econ 312 exams. When you are done, apply it and you will not regret.

First of all, get to the venue at least thirty minutes before the exam begins. This will help you get calm and reduce panic. As you walk to the examination room, avoid going through your work. It will make you forget about the things that one have been learning before. Make sure you stay unruffled.

Secondly, have everything needed during the paper ready. Once you given the question paper, read all the stated instruction. If you find out that you have some something that is not needed take it away. For instance, from the instruction you might be required not to have phones nearby. Adhere to the exam regulations to avoid difficulties.

Third, allocate each question the time it deserves. For instance, you may be given two hours to tackle four questions, each twenty marks. Divide the two hours into four, one will then have thirty minutes for each question. Make good use of your watch for you to finish the test in time. Avoid wasting time on unnecessary points that will not earn you any mark.

Fourthly, make your work neat. This is only possible if you arrange your answers in a good way. Do not give the examiner a hard time. The key points should be stated first. After that, you give one or two paragraphs explain your point. This will depend with the kind of question that one is answering. Tidy work can make you score additional marks.

Fifth, confirm whether you have done mistakes after you are done. Some mistake might cost you a lot of marks. Take the shortest time possible to go through your work and correct all the mistakes. When making the corrections, use a rubber or just cross the word with a single line. This will make your work remain neat and the examiner will be happy when marking your paper.

As well, avoid last minute panicking. It is better you stay calm and finish your work. Use the remaining minutes to briefly state the answers. This will help you score at least something. Keep writing until time to finish is reached. Do not get worried if you see people walking out having finished their work.

Finally, check if you have written your names or the necessary details before you submit your job. Indicate the questions that you attempted. Hand over your answer sheet to the invigilators and sign out. Walk out of the examination room peaceful and avoid discussing about the test.

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